Bad to the Bone
When redemption is the road not taken, a fall arc is in the making

Writing projects, past and present
When redemption is the road not taken, a fall arc is in the making
Two ways to assemble a series in 11ty / Eleventy
A look at pacing the mythic and fairytale journeys
Story driven by causality, not conflict, via the structure of Japanese folktales
How to write a convincing turn from the Dark Side
Concluding our look at Ekaterin's Fairy-Tale Journey.
Three roads, one heroine: intertwining versions of the Fairy-Tale Journey.
A case study of how Dragon Age II used the Heroine's Journey
This Sumerian tale is the earliest model of the Heroine's Journey
Exploring the beats of the Brothers' Grimm fairy-tale journey
Victoriously bringing secret dreams into reality
Forging new bonds is the success state of this journey
Inanna's ordeal is the most ancient archetype of the Heroine's Journey
Which journey is your character undertaking?
Introducing the Heroine's Journey: The path of the Fairy-Tale Journeyer
Defining what it means to be a hero or an antihero
How to tell if a character is a true character, or a mere chesspiece
Storytelling do's and don'ts from "Archer"
Storytelling do's and don'ts from Voltron
Reprint of a blog posting I wrote on a slow news day...